More Than a Cyclist – Illawarra

We are very pleased to announce a new partnership with Healthy Cities Illawarra in Australia; More Than a Cyclist – Illawarra.

Healthy Cities Illawarra, is a health promotion charity that is committed to delivering health and well-being outcomes in their communities. They do this by addressing social, economic and environmental causes of health inequality through advocacy, community programs, and private and public partnerships.

Inspired by The UCI Road World Championships, Healthy Cities wanted to capitalise on the increased attention that has been brought to cycling in Wollongong and make the most of the legacy that such an international event can bring to an area. Improved infrastructure for all types of cycling fits hand in hand with Healthy Cities’ focus on the prevention of chronic disease, of which physical inactivity is a significant risk factor. This is particularly important in a country that has seen a steady decline in active travel since the 1970s, and now ranks amongst the lowest in all Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OCED) countries ( Active transport can help children and adults not only meet their physical activity requirements but also support positive mental health.

Australian cities do not have a culture of accepting cyclists on the roads which can cause conflict, danger and misunderstanding between road users; a lack of awareness of the rights of people to ride on the road, driver responsibilities to pass at a safe distance, and general low levels of road rule knowledge. A situation that is not too dissimilar to that in the UK.

When Healthy Cities approached us and discussed their goal to focus on the people who ride bikes, who they are and the role they play in local communities, and looking change attitudes towards vulnerable road users we felt it was a perfect fit for us to partner with them and help them spread this message to a wider audience.

Like us they ultimately aim to improve the safety of all bike users, regardless of ability and cycling purposes. Improved safety - and particularly the feeling of safety will support more people cycling, which normalises the practice and creates an environment where the roads are seen as a channel for the movement of people - however they may choose to move; as a pedestrian, a cyclist or a motorist. These changes in attitude will in time, reduce fatalities and injuries among all vulnerable road users and give others the confidence to ride further and more frequently.

For more information:


Feature in cycling UK Magazine


Interviewed by country file