Meet Rob

Man in jeans and a t-shirt stood in front of a Brompton bicycle.

To mark our first anniversary we ask the team members who make More Than A Cyclist tick, their thoughts and reflections on the last 12 months.

"I’m Rob and I look after engagement for More Than A Cyclist, which means talking to organisations and companies like British Cycling, NFP and Legal and General about our campaign and why they should support us.

I volunteered to get involved and help with the campaign in any way that I could about a year ago. The striking images and simple messages about humanising people who cycle and showing more consideration and care, resonates with everyone I talk to. It’s powerful, thought provoking and I find there are many parallels with some of what I to do in my day job. As a Head of Risk before going ahead with a product idea or other course of action, I always ask the staff in my workplace to consider how they would feel if it was sold or done to their Grandmother, Mother, Father etc. They find putting themselves in someone else’s shoes, particularly someone who may be in a more vulnerable position, really helps them consider and manage risk so we get better outcomes for everyone.

Of course what I also recognise from my day job, is that this approach doesn’t stop all risks and issues from happening. In the same way, I know More Than A Cyclist cannot be a panacea either. There is a lot of work to do. For many, myself included, the roads we cycle on do not feel safer and I still experience close passing and aggressive drivers pretty much every time I cycle.

I do though strongly believe we can make a difference to the safety and well-being of people who cycle and benefit all road users. This is why I became involved in the campaign and why I remain passionate about More Than A Cyclist and continue to work on it reaching an ever wider audience.”


Meet Jo


Meet Neil